LynxLand Bengals17. 8. 20203 minClipping Bengal Cat’s Claws Bengals claws grow very quickly as they love to have long and sharp nails to scratch the whole world surrounding them😊. But most pet...
LynxLand Bengals16. 8. 20205 minBengal Breed Group Standard TICA BENGAL BREED GROUP (BG/BGL)Bengal Breed Group Standard
LynxLand Bengals25. 5. 20204 minBengal kitty arrivalBest way to prepare for a new Bengal kitty arrival
LynxLand Bengals10. 3. 20205 minF1 Bengal CatThe Foundation Bengal Cats “F - Foundation / Early Generation / Bengal Cats” as a loving pet Bengal Cats are unique breed with great appear
LynxLand Bengals8. 3. 20202 minSilver bengal cat genetic Silver bengal cats were originally crossbred from a traditional Bengal and a Silver cat as silver spotted American Short Hair...
LynxLand Bengals18. 10. 20183 minZákladní genetika zbarvení srsti bengálských kočekPokud vás zajímá, jaké geny nese vaše kočka, můžete ji nechat otestovat na několika veterinárních laboratorních pracovištích. Doporučuji...